We do not mount fish, we make high-quality, individualized replicas. Be sure to take several good photos of your catch from different angles. We will use these images to faithfully reproduce the colors and details of your fish. Send your photos to us along with accurate measurements of the length, width, girth and weight. For billfish, measure the length from the center of the tail fork to the furthest point of the lower jaw.
Frequently Asked Questions
Here are some of the most frequently asked questions we hear at Vanderpol Taxidermy.
Don’t see an answer to your specific question? Looking for advice on cleaning, preparing and shipping your trophies to us? Have an unusual request or one-of-a-kind situation? Give us a call! We are always happy to hear from people who share our passion for hunting, fishing and enjoying time out in nature. We look forward to hearing from you and answering any questions you may have!